Articles by 'Tom Stanley'

Blog Author - Tom Stanley

By Tom Stanley, Posted in Infrastructure

Splunk is shining its light on Dark Data and enabling companies to extract real business value from their machine data. As the value of that newly exposed information increases, it is important to be able to access it from anywhere, even from mobile devices. Although a Splunk mobile app has been available for a few years, connecting to an on-premises Splunk Enterprise deployment was difficult. The mobile device needed some type of VPN software to access Splunk dashboards, or there were more complicated meth... read more.

  • July 01, 2019

By Tom Stanley, Posted in Infrastructure

Splunk allows the transformation of dashboards into forms, which present controls for users to enter search criteria. This allows you to have text boxes, pulldown lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, and other controls at the top of the form. The user’s selections from these input controls are stored in tokens that you can use in your queries or to control various aspects of the form. You can also add these input controls to specific panels on your form, not just at the top of the page. This makes it... read more.

  • March 01, 2019

By Tom Stanley, Posted in Infrastructure

When extracting fields from events in Splunk, typically each field has a single value. For instance, in a firewall packet event there is a src_ip, src_port, dest_ip, dest_port, action, etc., each with a single value. But there are occasionally fields which have more than one value. One common field type that often has multiple values is an e-mail address field, such as from or to. Splunk deals with these values by allowing fields to hold multiple values, which it refers to as simply a “multivalue fiel... read more.

  • March 01, 2019

By Tom Stanley, Posted in Infrastructure, Support

Part 1: Adding the Timeline Visualization Why a Timeline? One important metric when delivering user desktops is the amount of time the user has to wait for the desktop to launch. It’s hard to ensure user acceptance of the delivered environment if they find it slow before their desktop even becomes available. Various processes run to build up the user environment from many configuration layers, including group policies retrieved from busy domain controllers, policies from desktop delivery software li... read more.

  • January 19, 2018

By Tom Stanley, Posted in AppDev, Infrastructure, Virtualization

Machine Learning is a broad concept covering algorithms that can receive input data and use statistical analysis to predict an output value within an acceptable range. It analyzes past data to predict future data and to provide context for the current values. In a sense, the machine has learned how this metric “behaves” and can put parameters around the current value (standard deviation, probability bands, etc.), adding knowledge that isn’t obvious if all you have is the single, current me... read more.

  • November 17, 2017

By Tom Stanley, Posted in AppDev, Infrastructure, Security, Virtualization

The tech news has been abuzz recently with stories about how machine learning is making impressive strides in areas like autonomous vehicles, face recognition, and language translation. You can now be automatically tagged in Facebook photos of events you don’t even remember attending. But, while these are impressive achievements that may enhance some of your personal experiences, they have little bearing on your business. You might be surprised to find out these are just some of the more exciting appl... read more.

  • November 10, 2017